Beacon Education and Visa Services Pvt. Ltd. [BEACON™] having its corporate office at Siddhartha Chowk Pokhara in Nepal organized 'Beacon Scholarship & Admission Day 2021' has been overwhelmed by the visitors willing to get information…
पोखराको सिद्धार्थचोकमा कार्यालय रहेको बिकन एजुकेसन एण्ड भिसा सर्भिसेजले ‘बिकन स्कलरसीप एण्ड एडमिसन डे’ भव्य रुपमा सम्पन्न गरेको छ । संस्थाको १२ औं स्थापना दिवसको अवसरमा बैदेशिक शिक्षाका लागि विदेश जान चाहने विद्यार्थी र तीनका…
पोखराको सिद्धार्थचोकमा कार्यालय रहेको बिकन एजुकेसन एण्ड भिसा सर्भिसेजले यहि चैत ५ गते ‘बिकन स्कलरसीप एण्ड एडमिसन डे’ आयोजना गर्ने भएको छ । आफ्नो १२ औं स्थापना दिवसको अवसरमा बिकन एजुकेसन एण्ड भिसा सर्भिसेजले बैदेशिक…
Prime Minister Scott Morrison will look to end border closures and guarantee a complete economic reopening so the nation will be "whole again by Christmas".Mr Morrison declared "Australia was not meant to be closed" during Question Time today and pledged to continue…
रुद्रप्रसाद अर्यालकार्यकारी निर्देशक, बिकन प्रिमियर इन्टरनेसनल एजुकेशन Mr. Rudra Prasad AryalExecutive Director, Beacon Premier International Education Pvt. Ltd. पोखरा सिद्धार्थचोक स्थित बिकन प्रिमियर इन्टरनेसनल एजुकेशन नेपालकै उत्कृष्ट शैक्षिक परामर्शदाता संस्थाको रुपमा स्थापित छ । लामो…
रुद्रप्रसाद अर्यालकार्यकारी निर्देशक, बिकन प्रिमियर इन्टरनेसनल एजुकेशनMr. Rudra Prasad AryalExecutive Director, Beacon Premier International Education Pvt. Ltd. पोखराको सिद्धार्थचोकमा रहेको बिकन प्रिमियर इन्टरनेसनल एजुकेशनले बिगत लामो समयदेखि शैक्षिक परामर्श सेवा प्रदान गर्दै आइरहेको छ ।…
SCCM Reception Premise We are organizing Study in Australia information session at our corporate office Siddhartha Chowk, Pokhara to provide admission information about Sydney City College of Management (SCCM) in Australia. This college is located…
We are organizing Study in New Zealand information session at our corporate office Siddhartha Chowk, Pokhara to provide admission information about Southern Institute of Technology (SIT), one of the largest Government Colleges in New Zealand.…
शुभ दिपावली, छठ तथा नेपाल संवद पर्वहरुकाे पावन अवसरमा यहाँकाे ब्यक्तिगत एवं पारिवारिक सुख, शान्ति, सम्र्िद्दि एवं उत्तराेत्तर प्रगतिकाे हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्दछाैँ ।
SCCM Reception Premise We are organizing Study in Australia information session at our corporate office Siddhartha Chowk, Pokhara to provide admission information about Sydney City College of Management (SCCM) in Australia. This college is located…
We are organizing an admission information session for the students willing to study in Australia towards Higher Education i.e. Bachelor's Degree and Vocational Education i.e. Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma at our office premise. Mr.…
Teej and Rishi Panchami Teej is a festival celebrated by Nepali and Indian women, lets say all Hindu women for the long life of her husband and long and firm relationship between them until the…
Our Educational Counselors are internationally certified for Study in USA. We are one of the best and most valued educational consultancy in Nepal by our clients. Our Counselors have gone through the strict and quality…
Rakshabandhan or Rakhi, a festival of love and care between brothers and sisters, will be celebrated on August 15 this year. The Hindu festival is generally celebrated on the Purnima or the full moon day…
Today is the special day for the celebration of Eid Festival of Muslims community. Muslims of Nepal and across the world celebrate Eid al-Fitr festival, one of the most important Islamic festivals. The festival, celebrated…